• Tag Archives treadmill
  • Out of the Salt Mines and On to the Treadmill

    Imbolc                                                                 Valentine Moon

    Well, I’m close, but not finished.  As the books got shelved, the remaining space seems to be inadequate for what I have left.  Probably a way around it, I’ll find it tomorrow.  Right now.  Tired again.

    (a salt mine cathedral in Colombia outside Bogota.  I visited in 1987.)

    Just brought in more bags of feed for the animals.  40 pounds at a time.  Then salt for the water softener, 50 pounds a bag.  But.  They have nice plastic handles.  Working in the salt mines doesn’t mean what it used to.

    Discovered that my glucometer needed calibration.  Once calibrated it told me a story I was glad to hear.  At least by today’s reading my low carb diet has lowered my blood glucose level.  And, I’ve lost a bit of weight, too.  All in all a good thing.  Though Kate, a carb lover of some note, has expressed some dissatisfaction.  No pasta, no breads, no cakes or pies.  We’re figuring out now how to add carbs back into her diet without creating a cook two meals at a time situation.  We’ll figure it out.

    Right now I’m getting on the treadmill.  Which, for that matter, doesn’t mean what it used to either.

    This is a Landice treadmill, the brand and model I’m about get on.