Beltane Waning Last Frost Moon
I spent the morning convincing my computer that the new laserjet printer I purchased exists, could be a good friend, one with whom we might enter a long term relationship. Boy, was that a hard sell. Something about the printer being made before Windows 7 and the run as command. After beating about a bit, I finally got a software package (downloaded from HP) that my computer would admit into its intimate confines.
Then. I stepped in and attempted to attach the USB cable to a printer not turned on. Didn’t work. I’d stretched the power cord when getting to the USB port. Took me three tries to realize what I had done. Finished just before the thunder made it. I turn all computers off during thunder storms. I have too much invested in my electronics. Not the computers so much as the external drives.
During our nap Kate and I had to get up to go down in the basement. Another tornado headed north of Minneapolis, headed north and east. Which is where we are. After forty-five minutes sitting on a bench I use to do bench presses and triceps curls it became clear that this one, like so many in recent years, would track north of Minneapolis, get up into Coon Rapids, but move east on trajectory well south of us. I’m not sure what’s going on but this seems like a track multiple serious storms have taken over the last few years.
Grocery store. Then dinner, a bit of dithering around about Brazilian Visas, at $160 each. Ouch. That doesn’t include processing fees. Geez.
Now, off to Tai Chi.