Samain Moon of the Winter Solstice
First time at the Marsh, out on Minnetonka Blvd. The Western burbs version of a California health spa. In a small room off the dining area for their food service was a sign: Woolly Mammoths, 6:00 pm.
Inside were Bill , Warren , Frank , Stefan and Mark. Tales of the trip, yes, but mostly we were there to support Warren whose mother received a cancer diagnosis two days before Thanksgiving. She’s now in hospice care at an assisted living center, asking only for palliative care.
Warren has been intimately involved with both his parents and his wife’s parents in their aging and decline. They represent a degree of love and concern in that situation seen all too rarely.
On the way back I couldn’t find any music I liked, so, as I’ve done a lot lately while driving, I turned the radio off and entered into a road trip state of mind, a little bit country and a little bit Zen.