Crash Under the Blood Moon

46 bar falls 30.22  6mph  ENE  windchill 43  Autumn

Last Quarter of the Blood Moon

It looks like the most violent moments of the credit crisis, stock market crash will have come under the aegis of the Blood Moon.  Coincidence?  I think so, but it’s still metaphorically powerful.

All the trimmed hemerocallis in the back have been tucked away in piles to decompose for the good of the land.  The umbrella for the patio table has been deconstructed; it broke during a powerful windstorm in August.  We will use the skeleton of the umbrella as a tutor for some climbing vegetable next spring, probably beans.

There are no more major fall clean-up tasks.  The orchard has fall tasks, but I’ve only begun to learn about them, so I won’t do any of them until we come back from Colorado.

I also need to clear a fifteen foot edge on the woods, then cover it with black plastic and  hay.  That one I’m going to let nature start by killing back the existing plants.  Once we have some snow on the ground I plan to burn two large brush piles in the way.  A couple of other areas need black plastic or newspaper and hay, that I may start tomorrow.

Kate and I have our business meeting now.  Tomorrow we have to get packed, finish up the usual pre-trip stuff.  Later.