Retreat: Day III May 5th

Beltane                                                 Beltane Moon


Day III  Dwelling in the Woods   May 5th, 2012

Very interesting morning.  We started out sharing dreams, then begin talking about dreams.  Lots of flying, traveling, wandering.  Moments of addled confusion and moments of astounding crystallization. We spoke of dreams we had in the past, of repeating dreams.

Mark wanders with his gang of rascals and a dog from long ago; Charlie H. flies; Stefan goes outside in  long t-shirt he wears to bed, with nothing else;  I travel, to the south on land, visiting southern cities or floating along the southern border of the US on the Mississippi (my dream ego is not strong on geography).

I shared a pivotal dream for me, some years into Jungian analysis and after my divorce from Raeone.  In this dream I had a wide stance and held a sword above my head with both hands, a flaming sword.  A crowd in front of me chanted, “He has the power.  He has the power.”  I took it then and now as the moment when I claimed my power, became my own person, shucking off the chains of the past, the distortions of alcoholism.

Ode said, “Think what it would have been like if, ever since, we had called you sword on fire or sky sword.  How that would have reinforced that moment.”

His comment then triggered another discussion about “medicine” names for each of us. It may happen. If we can figure out a way to make it authentic, our Woolly names, say.  This feels important to me.

Later in the day Ode and I went for a walk along the Soo Line Trail.  This gravel trail, wide enough for a single car to drive upon, runs through swamp (trees), marsh (grass) and bog (soggy stuff) punctuated with occasional high ground filled with birch.  A convoy of ATV’s came by, loud and kicking up gravel, waving.

It’s not often I go walking with a friend.  Could do it more.

We also discussed a sacred fire and a ritual with the fire.  I suggested we might do a sacred fire for each Woolly in major transition and, too, that we might do a death dance for that left behind, perhaps work.   Tonight we will honor the deaths of three parents in Warren’s life and the imminent demise of the fourth as well as the death of Moon.

This all feels like the Woolly’s moving to a different place, a place of the dream world, a place of more mystical gathering.  We’ll see how things go.