Sleepless in Denver

Summer                                      Hiroshima Moon

Everybody came over here to the hotel and we jumped in the pool.  First time I’ve been in the water in several years.  I haven’t missed it.

Is there anything better than a six year old granddaughter running down the hall yelling, Grandpop, and jumping into your arms?

Gabe, four year old grandson, coming from the opposite direction, also yelled Granpop, but kept running right past me to his mom.

Later on we ate at a Denver Bucca’s.  Another good day.

Not finding sleep easy tonight. Pillow’s don’t work well and the cooling, while not broken, is not up (or down) to my usual standards.  That is, Kate’s.

Tomorrow the Olson family heads out for an 8 a.m. bris.  The mohel could not make another time.  Since this rite of passage, circumcision, occurs 8 days after birth, it doesn’t leave a lot of room for negotiation.

I plan to eat breakfast, then write.