Kate Olson, Crafty

Samhain                                                            Fallowturn Moon

Kate’s an entrepreneur!  Yesterday was the reopening of downtown Anoka after some street improvements, so she went down and took her market bags to several shops to see if she could interest anyone in buying them.  She sold one bag and got two nibbles for selling more, one that turned into a meeting next Thursday at 5:30 pm.  The look on her face when she got the call about the meeting was pure delight.

(Kate on the first day of going very part time)

She’s a skilled seamstress and quilter who works hours at her craft.  She seems to enjoy all facets of it from buying cloth to finished product. Kate also has a growing partnership of sorts with Ruth, our six year old granddaughter, who is something of a design prodigy.  Ruth sketches out dresses and identifies colors; then, Grandma buys the cloth and makes the dress.  Clothes by Ruth made by Grandma.