Finishing One Step, Moving to the Next

Imbolc                                                                                       Settling Moon II

Up in the loft again after feeding the dogs this morning. A bright, Raphael-esque pink paints the clouds I can see between the lodgepole pines.

Yesterday I came very close to getting all my books stacked by rough category and I will finish today: American studies, emergence/Lake Superior/climate change/science/, art, philosophy, war, aging, weather, bees, classics/mythology/ancient history, poetry/spirituality/religion/renaissance, literature, Asia, Latin America.

Once done with that task I can move on to filing. That will involve moving some files out of banker’s boxes and into my horizontal file.  Many of my files, including all my novel manuscripts and research, will stay in boxes. A convenient place for them will to be created.

The congestion has decreased considerably and will decrease a lot more after the filing is done.

My two large rubber mats for the gym area won’t arrive until mid-month, but when they do that will allow me to finish off the workout area. At some point Jon will get started on the built-ins. This whole process will take a good bit of time, but the end result will be wonderful.