Night’s Clarity

 28  76%  37%  0mph windroseWSW bar falls  dewpoint22  Waxing Crescent of the Snow Moon    Holiseason

 Living should be perpetual and universal benediction. – Why Lazurus Laughed by Wei Wu Wei…

The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
  – Thomas H. Huxley

Haven’t added any quotes as I’ve gotten used to WordPress.  I’m getting there.

As I do this final post of the day, the time ahead has grown clearer.  Tomorrow Kate and I have a business meeting.  I’ll finish her Hawai’i travel arrangements.  After, or around, those two, I will complete my filing–some of it left over from the finish of the docent program in June.  If I have time tomorrow, I’ll sort out the objects for my Magic of Myth tour.  Saturday I’ll have two things to do:  finish up the tour and dig that fire pit.  Oh, and put out the marker stakes so the snowplows don’t dig up our lawn and bust sprinkler heads.  This is a suburban gig.  The city gives out stakes with fluorscent orange paint.  They’re about three feet high and presumably stick up above the snow.  Not always true, but by the time its not, the plows have cut a groove and hopefully it’s all on the road.

Night.  This is no longer the gentle dark of summer; this is the darkness that is metaphor for lonlieness and meditative silence. 

One Response to Night’s Clarity

  1. Congratulations. I see you’ve advanced in the RGB arena of WordPress and graphic technology.