Ah. Damn.

Imbolc and the Durango Moon

Wednesday gratefuls: In home Covid tests. Feeling crummy. Kep. Sleep. Linda. A sweetheart. And, a Norwegian! Diane. A blue Colorado Sky. Lodgepoles lookin’ green. My body. Still at it. Dr. Simpson. A good guy. RJ. Positive meeting.

Sparks of Joy and Awe: Hawai’i


Oh, joy. A positive Covid test. Well, I’m no longer in that number. Of those who’ve not had it. Calling doc as soon as they open. Self-quarantine. Not sure how long. Right now at least not more than a bad cold. Knew something was off.

Not guilty. More angry. I’ve done what I could. Still got it. Damn. As it is. Do what I can now.


Am feeling unfocused, less than clear. Did get a good night’s sleep last night. That helped.


That’s all for today.