Road Trip

71  bar falls 29,90 0mph W dewpoint 35  Beltane, sunny

                   Waxing Gibbous Hare Moon

A day with no garden work for me.  This 61 year old body needed some downtime.  Some movement exercises, 40 minutes on the treadmill and I’m good.

Kate planted annuals and has ideas for grass and petunias that sound good.  I have to amend the soil first.

Tonight is Sheepshead.  We’ll see how I do this time.

Kate and I have discussed the possibility of having Ruth come here for a week or so this summer. We’d like to get her started on regular visits to Grandma and Grandpas. 

The trip to Alabama has begun to take shape.  Looks like I’ll leave around June 14, stay in Selma for three nights–16-18, then I may head on out to Denver, crossing the deep south the whole way.  I haven’t seen Natchez or New Orleans since Katrina.  Road trip.  Road trip.