
Summer                                          Waning Grandchildren Moon

Boy.  A new schedule has me feeling good, but a bit discombobulated.   I’m getting up at 6:30 am, breakfast, gardening, doing my workout in the morning, then writing for three hours.  After that is lunch, nap, perhaps some errands.  Then back at it from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm or so.  Some nights, too, will find me here at the computer or doing research.  Latin, the MIA, the Sierra Club, the Woollies and sheepshead all have their place, too.  The work has a seasonal rhythm, too, since the garden revs up in May and doesn’t really slow down until September or early October.  The Sierra Club, most tied to the legislature, is a winter activity.   This fall, too, I’ll be supervising an intern for Groveland UU.

This morning I did research on my Lughnasa e-mail for the Great Wheel.  One of the changes in my writing now is that I won’t focus exclusively on creative fiction, but will add in original non-fiction work as well.  This gives me more variety, yet keeps the time available for focused work on longer projects.

Kate helped me devise this new schedule.  Thanks, Kate.