79 bar steady 29.77 3mph N dew-point 52 Summer, warm and clear
Waxing Crescent of the Thunder Moon
“To a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse. They are of two kinds: the library of published material, books, pamphlets, periodicals, and the archive of unpublished papers and documents.” – Barbara Tuchman
Given this definition I must be, ipso facto, an historian. In fact I consider myself a humanist in the traditional sense, one who searches the literary and artistic and faith traditions of the world for guidance. In a broad understanding this is a historical work since it relies on the wisdom of the past brought forward, a version of the history of ideas. It takes me into many libraries and archives and I am most happy there. The sense of possibility in a place stacked with books or objects of art or the accoutrements of faiths journey is, for me, boundless.
Having had my little car in the shop for so long I found I had a desire to get out during the day, to drive around, go shopping. I did. It didn’t amount to much. So I came home and planted beets and carrots for fall harvest.
After a long nap I have picked up again my research on U-U history in the Twin Cities area. This project puts me squarely in the historians camp and will find me rummaging in boxes of letters, meeting minutes, newspaper articles and old sermons.
There is a very interesting video on YouTube that highlights a heresy controversy in late 19th century Minneapolis within the Universalist community. Here’s the link.