65 bar steady 29.75 2mph NW dew-point 62 Summer night
First Quarter of the Thunder Moon
Peanut butter. Never thought of it as a problem food, but it seems to have entered that category for me. Makes my tummy hurt. Darn it.
The slippery slope of cell phone life. Tonight I entered the phone numbers of all the Woolly Mammoths into my cell phone. They are the first non-family numbers. Each day I draw closer and closer to becoming a cell phone user. Since it has not yet become the electronic leash I did not want, I don’t mind, but I have this sneaking suspicion that as it becomes more of a common place in my life, it will move in that direction.
Watched Stranger Than Fiction over the last two days. This is a trippy movie. It is meta-fiction, a story about fiction intruding on reality and fiction in turn altering reality. If you’ve seen it, you’ll know what I mean. Like Existenz, which I mentioned a couple of days ago, it plays with epistemology and, in a strange (trippy) way with ontology. The Truman Show, even the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Vanilla sky dance on the same floor. Will Ferrel was brilliant, I thought he gave an Oscar worthy performance, sweet, honest, funny, heartbreaking.