Haulin’ Art

Samhain                                       Waxing Thanksgiving Moon

A U-Haul 10 foot truck and I went into Minneapolis around 9:30 this morning bound for the MIA.  The MIA’s loading dock anyhow.  The Midwest Center for Art Conservation finished work on Jerry’s painting, Fall Band.  It’s a big painting, fitting into the truck with about 1/2″ to spare.  Jon and I put cardboard boxes underneath it for stability and shoved it, gently, against the back wall.  I promised to drive carefully, with no sudden stops.  Just like the first time carrying a baby.

(a drawing of Jerry’s from his website)

That was AM.  Now I’m up from my nap and ready to construct my first tour for the Thaw exhibition which I give on Thursday for the Rochester Friends of the MIA.