The DOW Goes Up; The DOW Goes Down.

Winter                                                  Waning Moon of the Cold Month

“I do not have what I own, nor do I have what I do. I only have what I am.” – D. Trinidad Hunt

Rising temperatures, even rising toward freezing, activate the doer in me.  I want to get out and plant vegetables, check the bees, but that time is not yet, is still a long ways away, so I’ll focus on the hydroponics, Latin and Titian for awhile.  Colder temps activate the thinker, the reader, the researcher and they still dominate.   So, it’s to the books.

The DOW goes up; the Dow goes down.  Life goes on; joy is found.  All I have to say about the market.

I still have one printer in spasms.  I’ve tried fixes from the manual–yes, I RTFM!–I’ve tried fixes from the internet.  I’ve tried letting it rest and I’ve tried hitting with this and than for an hour at a time.  Enough to make me sputter.  Guess I’m gonna have to give and take the damn thing to a repair guy.  The shame of it all.  One other task defeated me, setting up a home wireless network.  That required the GeekSquad. I like to DIY electronics.  Not this time.