• Tag Archives European painting
  • TGIF

    Spring                 New Moon (Flower)

    A long day at the museum.  I had a tour at 10 and another at 2, leaving me three hours in between.  In addition, for some reason I did not get a good nights sleep last night, so I was not fresh.  Glad to be home.  The two tours went ok.  I failed to engage the college students in meaningful dialogue even though I prepared well and had inquiry questions ready.

    The first group, an art appreciation class from Rochester Community College, when asked what they were studying, could only reply, “Something after some war.”  When asked later on if they had heard of Vesuvius or Pompeii, not a one, blanks.  Ditto the minotaur.  The background knowledge of so many in America is at appalling levels.

    How can we have a successful national debate on any subject if the basics have gone missing?

    The second group from Minneapolis Technical College had more on the ball.  They were a world religions class, but unfortunately taught by a woman I’ve encountered before whose minimal knowledge of world religions would be laughable if not sad.  She keeps talking about Chinese religions when China has philosophical systems that only later morph into religion like institutions.  Sigh.  I’m tired still and a little dark at this point.

    The bees come tomorrow.  More on that after they arrive.

  • An Up Early Day

    Spring           Waning Seed Moon

    I hoovered up information on Bonnard, Rembrandt, Honthorst, Poussin and Thorvaldsen this morning, kicking it back out in bullet points and inquiry questions for the tour on Friday.  I have Beckman, Dali and Chuck Close to go.

    This time around with the European painting I came back to it with renewed interest, as if I came to it fresh, yet more knowledgeable.  This reminded me of Ricouer and his notion of second naivete, an important skill as we age, if, that is, we want to enjoy work or hobbies of long standing.

    An up early day, so I began to flag on the research around 11:00, so I began phone calls.  More suburban estate management, this time gutter cleaning, outside window washing and having the septic system pumped out.  This last we do every two years by city ordnance.

    A nap, then a hair cut from my in home barber and now I’m out to paint the bee hives.

  • A Three Whippet Garden Guarding System

    Spring            Waning Seed Moon

    We hit 36 at 6:00 a.m.  The prediction for tomorrow is 80.  There’s a swing, 44 degrees.  We do have a sunny though chilly morning here in Andover with a robin’s egg sky.

    Some tree buds have begun to appear as the tulips, daffodils, day lilies and iris continue to climb toward the sun.

    This will be the first growing season for our new orchard, watching it green up has special interest this year. Instead of a rabbit fence we have a three whippet garden guarding system.

    This morning I get to spend time among several European paintings getting ready for a college tour on Friday.  I love the research for tours when I have time to really dig around in the books, lectures and websites.  Developing tours is a layered process, with each object informing the next and the tours of last week and last year informing the next.

    One of the things that becomes clearer the more research you do are timelines, historical context.  When did expressionism take hold?  How about the T’ang dynasty?  When were the Kano-school painters in Japan?  Who followed them and did they influence them?  This kind of material takes time to absorb, digest and then to take up residence as part of a skill set.  A real privilege.