Mid-Summer Waning Garlic Moon
As the garlic moon wanes, the leaves of the garlic plants begin to brown from the bottom up. When half of them are brown, I’ll pull a couple to see how they’re progressing. I plant more garlic than we use; for some reason it appeals to me as a crop. Partly because you plant it in the fall and harvest it in the summer. A contrarian.
A Latin day today, perhaps tomorrow, too, after I see to the queen excluders in the colonies from which I removed them this weekend. I’m looking for movement of the workers up into the honey supers, starting to lay in honey there rather than in the hive boxes.
Into the city tonight to discuss the slightly revised issue selection process for the 2012 legislature. We’re moving up our process by a month to allow for better campaign planning, gathering of allies.
My exercise commitment, once rock solid, has slipped in these past three weeks with many evening meetings. I’m going to shift my workouts to the morning, see if I can get a new rhythm established.
At the end of July my sister Mary will travel here from Athens, where she gives a paper, then reverse field back through London to Singapore. My cousin Diane, who stood up for me when Kate and I got married, also, by chance, will be in town for another reason, so we’ll have a Keaton and an Ellis reunion right here in Andover, star of the northern burbs. Diane lives in San Francisco where she churns out a weekly newsletter, highly regarded, on the pulp and paper industry.