Fall Waxing Autumn Moon
Dropped Mark off at the Delta terminal at 9:10 this morning. It was a difficult leave taking, conflicted on both our parts.
He’s worried about the flight to Riyadh from New York–too long–whether anyone will meet him there at the airport–they will–and remembering not to shake hands with women, as a last minute communication from English Gate Academy advised.
Leaving him there, with so many worries, left me in a place I imagine parents of troubled kids must inhabit when they launch their child, perhaps again and again, into the world. I felt uncertain of his footing and have my fingers crossed.
Kate and I feel we did the best we could do over the time he was here to get him ready for today and I feel good about that. There is, though, that lingering concern, countered by hope.
Of course, my analyst, John Desteian, used to say, “Don’t get me started on hope.”
Anyhow, here’s to Mark, bravely venturing into a troubled region. He got a good paying job when hundreds of thousands of Americans can’t find work. He’ll be able to save money, work toward a Master’s degree and put together a good recommendation for future employment.