Winter Waning Moon of the Cold Month
One more piece of the retirement puzzle should get put in place today, Medicaid part D for Kate. We’re visiting an adviser recommended by both Ruth Hayden and RJ Devick to help us sort through the overwhelming number of choices.
Since last year we’ve added social security for both of us, withdrawals from the IRA, my pension, long term care insurance, Kate’s medicare, added funds to our cash savings and trimmed our budget some. Now we just have to live a few months into this way of getting our cash together and see how it works. Don’t anticipate any big problems.
Seems like the most difficult part of all this is the setting up, making choices phase. After that, barring disaster, things look reasonably smooth for us. That way, we can just go back to life as we live it day to day. Because we’ve done so much planning for such a long while now, the transition seems to have been easy, but, of course, it wasn’t. Lots of legwork, phone calls, penciled in budgets, head scratching over rules and options. Worth it though.