Live Electoral Coverage 2008

November 4th   Live Election Coverage

6:00 PM  CST

MSNBC has called Vermont and Kentucky.  Obama   McCain

Chris Matthews says Indiana too close to call…bodes well for Obama.  As a Hoosier, I remember when Indiana went Democrat with regularity.  It was a labor state and labor voted Democrat.  Then, Governor Wallace.  He took a third or so of the vote.

Several strong African American commentators like Bishop of Potter’s House Ministry and Eugene Robinson from the Washington Post.  Feels good to me to have a strong Africa-American presence.

I know it may be my projection but it seems Chinese Americans carry themselves in a different way since China has risen in world prominence.  More confident, more sure of themselves in their difference.  It also seems to be happening to African-Americans.  Validation comes in different ways,but it is beautiful to see.

7:00 PM

Pennsylvania projected for Obama.  MSNBC. 

McCain has begun to underperform Bush 2004.   This looks good for the whole race. 

Howard Dean has begun to talk about healing from the last 8 years.  I agree.  The whole country felt different today as I drove home from Hopkins after doorknocking for Get Out The Vote. 

Interesting shots from Grant Park.  Filled with black faces.  Just 40 years ago, in 1968, Chicago had streets filled with vietnam war protesters.  Now African-Americans will celebrate the distance between then and now, between 1964 and now, between 1864 and now.

At this point Obama has 78-111 electoral votes.

7:45 pm  As of now my home county in Indiana, Madison, has voted Obama by 52% with 71% of precincts reporting.

Given the western states of California, Washington, Oregon and Hawaii and the Upper Midwest states of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan combined with Pennsylvania I predict Obama the victor.