WTS Writer’s Saving Time

29  bar rises 29.97  2mph SSE  windchill 28   Samhain

New Moon (Moon of Long Nights)

Day after.  No turkey hangover.  But.  I have begun to reset my clock for a 10:30 bedtime.  Soon I’ll be able to get up early again and write for my usual four hours in the AM.

A bit more work outside, but the heavy lifting is done.  Now it’s putting down the black plastic, straw on top of that.  Final stroke is mulch over the vegetable beds (to add organic matter) and over the bulbs I planted.  That should all get done in the next week or so, then it’s inside time for at least four, maybe five months.

Over the course of that period I want to restart my writing routine and, sigh, work on edits and revisions.  I say sigh because my last 12 years has the litter of so many good intentions in this regard and so little to show for it.   Maybe this will be the decade.  Not that many left.

Kate has a Hanukah piece underway and some Christmas knitted and crocheted items, too.  She’s a whir of activity, a real equivalent to a woodworker in a shop.  A creative gal.