Going to the Dentist

Fall                                                        Harvest Moon

Oh, boy.  Dental hygiene appointment this morning.  Met Stacey at Metro Dental. My first time there.  We switched from Centennial Dental in Edina this summer after Kate retired.  Going to this outfit, which is in a small open plan mall near Round Lake and Highway 10, knocks about an hour + off the trip and visit time.  Much better.


Though there is a difference.  In the waiting room at Centennial I felt young.  The canes, blue hair and walkers of the morning appointment crowd reflect, I’m sure, the location nearby of more than one senior retirement center.  Here in Anoka the lobby had toddlers, teen-agers and young adults.  Mostly.

Another difference.  Country music played lightly in the background.  Centennial had Bach and Mozart, that sort of thing.  I’m happier with the classical music, but for an hour, I can deal.

Now I have to go back in November and have one tooth, a problem root canal on my lower set, planed and scaled.  Sounds like something to be done in a woodshop then passed over to the fish cleaner.  The hygienist mentioned a cavitronic.  I assume it cavitates, but it sounds pretty close to cavity. Still, I trust they’re not in the business of promoting cavities.


Dr. Lugo, the dentist who examined me, looked like he might be old enough for a Big Wheel, but in spite of that he seemed to know what he was doing.

This was the kickoff to a medical week for me with the hernia repair coming on Thursday.  Big fun.