Waning Wolf Moon
Into the city for a meeting of the docent discussion group. We had a drawing and Bill Bomash won my extra copy of Seven Days in the Art World. More people showed up than I expected. We had an interesting, lively discussion of ideas for next meetings and resources we use for art history research.
Another discussion followed on some of the positives of touring and some of the sore points. All agreed that better signage would be a good place to upgrade public connections with the public tours. We also wondered why it proved so difficult to get a recognized hearing for our concerns. The discussion group decided this was not its responsibility, so we passed these ideas on to others who may find a way to act on them.
Twilight has begun to fall here. Another winter night is on the way. I’m on the way to chez Haislet atop Riverpoint condominiums in the old warehouse district. The Woolly Mammoths.