A Pale Orange Orb

4  64%  18%  0mph WSW bar30.07  windchill4  Winter

                        Full Winter Moon

The moon hung low on horizon as I came home from the grocery store, a pale orange orb occluded by dirty gray clouds.  It gave off the aura of Samain in the depths of late January.  As often happens with the moon, I felt a pinch of privilege; I saw this and felt it.  A privilege we all share, if only we look up at the sky instead of down at our feet.

Back to Ultimate Electronics to pick up my Blu-Ray player.  I traded in the HD player when Warner Brothers announced they were going with Blu-Ray. Now I have to hook it up.

Worked out in shorts yesterday and it was the first time in years I can recall fitting into the collection of shorts I gathered before I began bulking out.  A proud moment.