Finishing Up

Beltane                Waning Flower Moon

Last day at home.  Got up and put the snowblower in the truck.  Then I roughed up the area around the fruit trees and sowed clover seed where I had killed the quack ten days ago.  Planted the remaining hydroponic plants, five cucumbers.  They went in along a drip line.  They will get a trellis this year.

When the cucumbers were tucked in with a bit of composted manure per each, I hopped in the truck and took the snowblower over to Beisswinger’s Hardware. “I thought we were done with snowblowers,” the guy behind the service counter said.  “I like to get mine done in the spring, then it’s ready for the winter and I don’t have to compete with other folks who’ve just decided to do it.

Mark Nordeen plans to stop by around noon.  I imagine we’ll add a second hive.  Then, one more later.  After that, the supers go on and honey production can start in earnest.

Well, off to the library to return some books.  Then, packing.