Summer Waxing Summer Moon
Tomorrow we get the full on Summer Moon. We’ll have a warm, but not hot night with a brilliant satellite. No good for astronomy, but great for moon viewing, a favorite activity among the Japanese.
Woolly’s met tonight at the Black Forest. Mark, Stefan, Bill, Tom, Frank and myself showed up. Mark got the dam site job. He reports next Monday morning to Lock and Dam #1, the first official lock on the Mississippi River. The job runs until the river ices over and the barges cannot come. Stefan’s been giving himself fits over his children. A potential liability of parenthood.
I showed off the Kindle. I’m a fan.
Jon, Jen, Ruth and Gabe are back from a weekend in Chicago. There was a Bandel family reunion with rooms at the Doubletree and visits to Grandma and Grandpa, Ruth and Gabe’s great-grandparents. They are back here for four days, then they strike out for home in Denver.