Snow, Snow, and Then, Some More

33 bar steady 0mph ESE windchill33 29.85   a buncha snow

         Waxing Gibbous Moon of Winds

We got socked after I came home from Frank’s at around 10.  Maybe 4 or 5 inches of wet spring snow.  All the leaves, rocks and beginning to peak through patches of grass are white again.  Tourney snow we called it Indiana.

Gotta get out and see if the snowblower can take it.  Often, at the beginning of the winter and especially in its last gasps the snow is so heavy and wet that it plugs the chute of the snowblower.  Then, I just wait for the grand snow remover in the sky to work his solar wonder.

Allison sent me this note after the docent book group discussion.  I think she caught the sense of the meeting. 


I enjoyed the discussion meeting today.  I want to thank you for your efforts.  I think we were chasing something elusive.  And also feeling each other out-on some pretty big subjects.

Personally, I think Dale phrased his initial question rather awkwardly.  

However, Sharon intrigued me with her question which was “Why doesn’t contemporary religion seem to make better use of art?

So between the two of them we are left with something corresponding to “what came first the chicken or the egg?”  Did art lose its need for religion or did religion lose its need for art?

I would have liked to have the team fill out your worksheet and plan a tour.

Speaking of your tour ideas, it would be great to get some serious discussions going on a tour.  You need the right people to show up for that to work.