
Imbolc                                                                      Waxing Moon

Sick pooch in bedBeing sick. Ugh. Spent more time in bed than I wanted to. Felt like, as Kate used to say of herself, a sluggard. Nausea, bit of dizziness, general feeling of crummy. Low energy. Ack.

This is day 4. Actually felt better yesterday than I do right now. Since I have Jewish Studies on Sunday, an adult education event on Tuesday, and religious school on Wednesday, I’m hoping I get that, oh my god, I don’t feel sick anymore bump up in energy, today. Latest, tomorrow am. In cosmic terms not a big deal. Nothing serious on the line here except bodily discomfort.

studyHere’s something a little weird. On Sunday this former Presbyterian Vikings fan will lead a class on Wisdom Literature and the Rise and Fall of Jerusalem. Why weird? Well, somebody told on Wednesday that this Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday. Oh? Really? Huh.

Gertie was up in the loft while Sandy, our housecleaner, worked. She tends to bite them. Because I was in bed most of the day, she was up here alone. She took the opportunity to eat all the extra dog treat pretzels, half of the kangaroo treats for Rigel, all of my Red Rocks Toffee, and to shred the paper plates and plastic wear I bought for Jewish Studies Sunday. A bit miffed, I’d say.

IMAG0139Kate got out again yesterday. This time to the post office and King Sooper’s, frequent stops for us. She missed escaping the house on Thursday. Glad to hear it. Today Kate, Gabe, and I will probably go to a movie. The biggest outing yet.

This is a slow, so slow process with Kate. Good things, not so good things. The big wins over the last year were her shoulder replacement and the stent insertion. Both stopped long term aggravation. The rest is muddy. Weight. Food. Appetite. Stamina. Breath. Sometimes better, sometimes not.

Meanwhile my life has narrowed in focus, attending to her, the house, the dogs, trying to keep up with previous commitments at CBE.