
Imbolc                                                                       Recovery Moon

Tom, Durango, Co. pre-beard
Tom, Durango, Co. pre-beard

I’m kicking the Valentine Moon off the header at 1% waning. Just want it off my page. No more Valentine Moons. Bad February. Bad. I hope, with Recovery, to initiate a month in which both Kate and I head towards healthy. I’m already well on the road and Kate looks like she’s taking the first tentative steps.

Here’s some irony. Good buddy Tom Crane wrote me a note. Guess what it said. “I have pneumonia, too.” WTF! Paul Strickland, who was on the Zoom call on Sunday as well, had the plague. As his doctor called it. I mentioned that earlier. I had the plague plus pneumonia. That’s 3 of the 5 guys, all over 70, who had or have serious respiratory illnesses. Again, I say, no more Valentine Moon. Bad February. Bad.

Kate and I are off to a pulmonologist today. Haven’t seen one of those yet. She may get a full pulmonary function workup because part of the visit is to assess her fitness for surgery to place the j-tube. It’s also to follow-up on x-ray findings of possible interstitial lung disease. Afterward we plan to go to Maria’s Empanadas and pick up a dozen of Kate’s favorite midnight snack.

The solar snow shovel has melted most of the snow from the “monster” storm we had over the weekend.

Got out the Instant Pot and made chuck roast last night. Tasty. Also, got all of the spices and herbs out of the cabinet. They’re currently all over the kitchen counter. I’m going to rearrange them in hopes of being able to find easily what I need. Where’s Maria Kondo? I might need her. Do I love the second can of cumin? Does it bring me joy?