
Imbolc                                                                              Recovery Moon

Black Mtn. Drive, toward Evergreen
Black Mtn. Drive, toward Evergreen

Black Mountain has the early sun, golden, on last night’s wet snow. Stolid. Present. Vishnu to the winds’ Shiva.

While making the instant pot chuck roast on Monday, I took all the spices and herbs out of the cabinet, spread them out on the counter. Gonna put’em back in an order that makes sense to me. But. We’ve been so busy that they’re still there. This afternoon or tomorrow for sure. Most used are going to go in the door rack, then I’m thinking alphabetical for the first two shelves, storage on the top. An undone chore.

Back to the pulmonologist today for a full pulmonary function test for Kate. That plus the ct from her pneumothorax will determine whether she’s fit to have the j-tube placed. I liked Gupta, the pulmonologist. Clear, straight, no bullshit.

We got another shipment of styrofoam containers with supplies for Kate’s tpn. More nutrition bags, bigger this time. She’s going to 20 hours, down from 24, of feeding. Not sure why the bags are bigger for less time, but I’m sure there’s a good reason. These folks seem to know their business.

These last few days have felt hectic, like we’re moving faster than our energy level allows. That’s ok for a bit, but at some point we need what Kate and I call a travel day. On our honeymoon we decided to give ourselves a quiet day after travel to each new city. Catch up from the hassle and fatigue of travel. Stayed in our vocabulary.

I’m feeling good. Pretty much back to normal.