Samain and the Moon of Growing Darkness
Wednesday gratefuls: Being able to type. See a blue Sky and Great Sol lighting up my Lodgepole companion. Take care of myself. Tom. Diane. Brother Mark. Trash day. Cold night. Toyota. Snow tires. All weather. Tara. Marilyn and Irv. Differential/AWD fluids replaced.
Sparks of Joy and Awe: Cold chicken
Kavannah: Compassion
One brief shining: Marilyn and Irv sat across the table at the Blue Sky Cafe, one of Marilyn’s old haunts when she worked nearby for the Jefferson County school system, menus opened, we ordered coffee, and I laughed at one of the menu items, a specialty coffee named The Flying Elvis.
Stevinson’s Toyota. Snow tires. AWD. Reading Seed Keepers. Hiding from the ubiquitous television screen. Background noise. Marilyn and Irv picked me up and took me out to breakfast. A nice break from the normal routine of the waiter. I did have an hour plus of reading. A good, sad, hopeful book.
Not ignoring the fact that Stephen Miller will be deputy chief of staff. Or, that Uncle Elon has already got his talons in. Paying attention, not absorbed. Looking at the Democrat’s analysis of what went wrong.
I know when it began. 1974. General Motors began shuttering its supply chain factories like Delco Remy and Guide Lamp, two near my home town that employed most of the people in Alexandria. Foreign cars began to dominate the US market. I drove one, a VW Beetle, the old kind, not the spiffy newer one.
Working class guys began to lose their jobs en masse. Many white, many of color. Flooding unemployment rolls, creating a glut of persons vying for the few remaining jobs, those often paying a half or a third of their old jobs. No health care. No pensions.
Proud homeowners drew the drapes in their homes and left in the middle of the night, another property for the bank. Scroll forward ten years and plywood covered storefronts, those homes had no paint, front doors hung crooked, roofs began to leak.
The Democrats forgot their core working class constituency. Let them drift into McJobs, the bottle, confused anger. Creative destruction. Ha. My friends from high school, their parents. Only a handful of us went onto college, untouched by the grim hand of a capitalist economy chewing through another generation of workers.
And the Democrats. Where were they? A shifted focus. Not bad in and of itself. Continuing the Civil Rights era successes, focused on African-American realities, on women’s rights, later on the rights of LGBT folk. Important work, sure. And pretty successful.
But we took our eyes off the folks who put us in office, the working class. Eventually working class whites drifted and/or were prompted into believing their continuing plight was the fault not of cold capitalistic calculations, but of the somehow evil machinations of African-Americans, immigrants, others.
And who had the Democratic parties focus: others. Including persons with sexual preferences outside the experience and compass of most working class folks.
Let me be clear. Championing the rights and fortunes of the other is a critical and necessary political act. But in the perception of the former base of liberal politics, union represented working class folks, they were the enemy.
Perhaps a difficult circle to square, but we didn’t even try.