Samhain Waxing Thanksgiving Moon
Finished initial work for my tour of the Thaw exhibition. Some new information will come on Thursday during the Friends lecture focusing on Blackhawk and his ledger book, Elizabeth Hickox and her finely crafted miniature baskets and Maria Martinez, the renowned potter of San Ildefonso Pueblo. I’ll meld that into the work I’ve just done.
I’m starting on Thursday in the Plains gallery with Judith Fogarty’s martingale and medicine bag for which she won the 1988 best of show at the Santa Fe Indian Art Festival, a prize of distinction in native american arts. From there we’ll look at the honor shirts and Blackhawk’s ledger book, still in the Plains collection. The Woodlands gallery, our home region, contains a wonderful bag, probably part of the kit of an Anishinabe shaman of the Midewiwin Society. In the Arctic and Sub-Arctic I’ll take the group to the Yupik masks. In the Northwest Coast region we’ll look at the frontlet of Raven-who-owns-the-sun and the bulging sided bent-wood bowl for serving fatty fish. We’ll end up with a Maria Martinez pot and an Elizabeth Hickox basket.
This is a wonderful opportunity to see the very best of native art covering broad geographic regions. A rare chance. Hope you’ll be able to come.