Lot Going On

Winter                                            Waxing Moon of the Cold Month

Boy.  A busy day.  Business meeting where we looked over our expenses from Denver and checked again on our budgeting for the retirement season of our lives.  Looks good.  We also noted those little odds and ends that need to get handled before a big party.  Almost done.  Checked our calendars.  And that was done.

I’ve begun to look into an expressionist tour and focusing on formalism and contextualism.  A fun task, but will require some heavy lifting.  Decided I couldn’t get any Latin done this week, so put off till next Friday restarting my search for a translation of Ovid’s work.

This and that, bits and pieces.  Back to the treadmill.  Finished the 4th part of the War in the Pacific, an HBO special on this aspect of WWII about which I know very little.

Now.  Tired.