On the Road

Imbolc                                                   Waxing Bloodroot Moon

58 in the weather forecast for Thursday, for my brother and sister in Southeast Asia this would be a definite cold snap, while here it means a huge warmup.

I’m traveling into St. Paul today to observe Leslie Mills present at Groveland.  Leslie is the student intern minister there.  I have had responsibility this year for helping her reflect on her experience at Groveland UU.  She’s made a lot of progress.

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike Daylight Savings Time?  It created constant confusion for me as a child growing up in a state where it created constant confusion.  Now, as an adult, and one too much experienced with this crime against chronicity, I wish we’d leave the clock alone.  I know it doesn’t really affect the day, but it affects all kinds of human stuff, like today when I had to get up an hour early just to be on time.  I know, I know, poor me.  All I’m really saying is give standard time a chance.