Beltane New Garlic Moon
One of those days. Into the museum, leaving at 10:30 am and just got back now, 6:00 pm. Had a Japan Art Cart, oh boy, with very few visitors. A group of autistic kids and a classical musician and his daughters stopped by and that was about it. The art cart business is just too passive on the one hand and too intrusive on the other, i.e. we have to encourage people to stop. On the other hand, I do love talking about the Japanese tea ceremony, a great gift to world civilization.
After that, and I mean right after that, the art cart closed up at 1:30 and the continuing ed for the day started at 1:30. Celia Peterson gave a very interesting presentation on games and art, both physical and virtual games, as possible adjuncts to museum experiences and as art objects themselves. It really cranked up my thinking about the possible, the nearly possible and oh boy I can’t wait until it is possible.
(screenshot from acmipark, a virtual version of an Australian museum)
Example. How about a museum that displays its objects inside a virtual world like second life? Or, a virtual museum where interaction with objects could bring up art historical, geographical, biographical information, for example, about an object that interested you. This kind of stuff turns me on, makes me want to get involved.
After that a meeting on my direct action idea, a rolling, international projection of the artist’s image on museum walls from eastern Europe to California on June 30th, the night before the 90th celebration of Chinese Communism. A docent has agreed to take the idea to our museum president. She’s also president of an international association of museums that would probably make this pretty easy. It’s a big, yet simple idea, and it would have plenty of media punch. Hope it happens.