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  • Can’t Get No Satisfaction

    Imbolc        Waxing Moon of Winds

    Even now the winds continue as winter and spring continue their tug of war.  Seasons do not just give up here, seasonal ground has to be earned.

    Two China tours today.  I left dissatisfied with my work on them.  My work was not as crisp or as engaging.  I may need to go back to themes and questions, which I have largely abandoned.   These were  senior high kids and there was a certain amount of boy/girl silliness with the girls in front and the boys in back, moving away.  Still, at my best I keep the kids engaged and today I didn’t.  Room for improvement.

    My first asmat tour is next Friday and I have work to get ready for it.

    Otherwise, tired.  Headed upstairs for a nap.