Winter Garden Planning Moon
Watched “Water” a film by Deepa Mehta. This is a powerful, powerful film. I know. It was made in 2005 and I just got around to watching it. The effects of living north of 694.
Set in Ghandi’s era in India, it features a group of widows who live together in an ashram supported by a sultry widow sold into prostitution by the corrupt widow who rules the ashram. Forbidden to remarry, the widows, many widowed young in arranged marriages, must live as if they were, as Ghandi puts it, “strangers to love.”
This movie is a clear slap in the face to an India still struggling to deal with both independence and the changed global community in which some of their traditions appear at best antiquated and at worst oppressive and cruel.
It is part of a trilogy: Earth, Fire and Water. Kate and I watched Fire last year. It, too, is a powerful movie, this time about love between women caught in loveless marriages.
I just ordered Earth.