Winter Waning Cold Moon
As the Cold Moon begins to wane, so will the bitterness of our winter, sliding toward warmer averages, probably more snow, certainly no green for another month plus anyhow. This winter, like winters of yore, we still have November snow Add Newlayered like archaeological remains below December and those below January. Even with increased temps we will, most likely, bury these further under a February layer and March until we have five months here, mingled compressed, all vulnerable to the sun that rises higher concentrating its blessing until we discover once again that things still grow here.
Preached this morning at Groveland. A repeat of Roots of Liberalism. I wrote this piece originally for Groveland, but ended up presenting it in Wayzata last Labor Day Sunday. My October date with Groveland, when I would have given it there, they asked me to do some consulting, help them get on top of their disintegrating community. Too much work for too few volunteers, an old churchbane. No easy answers, but they’re still at it.
When I presented Roots in Wayzata, it went over so well I felt brilliant for an entire afternoon. Even then, though, I felt near the end I had reached beyond the patience level of the average listener and I felt the same way today. The reaction today was less effusive and the discussion less rich, but I felt heard again. Now I can move forward and get to work on Liberalism, part II: the present. Due near the end of March.
Buddy Mark Odegard writes about reading on the beaches of Puerto Vallerta. He believes we should all emulate the small birds who have the good sense to emigrate during the bleak season to warmer climes. When I grip the steering wheel with white knuckles while driving on ice, I agree with him.