26 82% 26% 3mph WNW bar 29.97 steady windchill25 Yuletide Waning Gibbous Cold Moon
A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions–as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.
– Friedrich Nietzsche
2007 saw the Ellis-Olson household become late adopters in two of the more dynamic techno-revolutions abroad in the land. Last month we got a, wait for it, second cell phone! That means we now have, like many, three phones: A daddy phone, a mommy phone and a just because we trust Qwest so much phone. Then, this morning I went over to Ultimate Electronics and after some back and forth over price bought a plasma TV, a receiver, five speakers and an HD-DVD player. Due to some weirdness about Money Market checks it will be a week or so before it arrives in our house, but then it will be 24/7 movie watching for this electro-cowboy. Of course, that conflicts with all those hours I spend writing and working out and giving tours and eating and such, so I’ll have to pick something to give up. Sleep, maybe?
Next post will comment on an interesting article, Twilight of the Books, a New Yorker piece on the decline of reading and the rise of what they author calls, the second orality. Some disturbing implications.