Beltane Early Growth Moon
Got my soil test results back from International Ag. Labs. I plan to follow their recommendations and have sent an order into their local supplier. Our goal here continues to be the same: sustainable gardens producing high quality food using no pesticides and only biologically justifiable soil amendments. This is a different approach from either permaculture or organic growing. On the one hand it emphasizes soil optimization, reaching that goal through amendments whether organic or non-organic that support that end. The end is a soil that produces high quality food in a manner sustainable over the long run. Makes a lot of sense to me and I’m eager to get my order and start using it.
Last night at the Woodfire Grill Mark Odegard talked about a mushroom hunter friend who said that as long at the lilacs bloom, the morels can be found. Our lilacs are still in bloom, so I wandered back in our woods. First thing I saw when I entered the path was a giant morel. I scooped it up, went looking for others. Couldn’t find any.
I didn’t do a thorough search though due to my recent switch to a lower carb diet. In the process I’ve lost about 15 pounds and my jeans, conformed to a higher carb me, now slip around my waist with no belt. Which I had left upstairs. So, with Gertie and Kona racing around, I wandered a bit, looking at the ground, grabbing my pants, looking some more. When it started to rain, I gave up and came back inside, promising myself that I’d get that belt and look more methodically when it was dry.
p.s. More on this later, but I heard a news report about Singapore yesterday relating to urban agriculture. In this case it’s vertical, four-story ag with, they kept emphasizing, no soil. I know this is possible because I have a hydroponic setup myself, but it flashed through me what a tragedy it would be for the human race if we lose that primal bond with mother earth.
Don’t get me wrong. I think this is a great idea. It uses the energy of a 60 watt bulb, they recycle all the water and grow fresh vegetables with a very short garden to consumer trip. My concern is that its prevalence might make us forget the planet which gave us birth and which receives us after death.