The Wall

Samhain                                                              New (Thanksgiving) Moon

Hit a mental wall yesterday.  Could. Not. Do. One more MOOC or Latin related thing. Brain was not interested.  In the AM  we completed the last of the garden chores for the season and I went downstairs to work on Ovid.  Nope.  Then turned on ModPo and, for the first time since both MOOCs started I did not complete a week’s work on time.  So this week I have to finish week 9 and do all of Week 10.

Doable because I no longer have Modern and Post Modern, but I don’t like to be behind.  I’ll catch up today or tomorrow.  At the same the new Latin learning style Greg recommended is, again, doable, but it takes more time.  For now.  The combination of the ending of Modern/Post Modern, the assessments due in ModPo, the home work Kate and I did to get ready for the Samhain bonfire and the bonfire itself, coupled with the changed Latin working style short circuited me.  Or threw an internal G.F.I.

Then, there is, too, the G.D. time switch.  I’m a naked, blanket, no prisoners opponent of messing with time.  Leave it on standard time and damn the consequences.

As I write this, I realize I’m not much further along today.  Need some more rest.  On the other hand, feeling tired means I’ve been active and that’s how I want to be.

There is, though, one more flaw in this ointment.  I started my low fiber diet yesterday, clear liquids starting at 11:45 pm tonight.  Then that fun couple of hours with a Powerade Miralax punch.  Those of you over 50 almost certainly know this routine.

As I read the rules for this procedure, it reminded me of ascetics who would undergo elaborate rites of purification before entering the temple to commune with their gods.  In this case the god will appear in white armed with a long, skinny camera.  He, not me, will be going deep inside myself, gaining self-knowledge for me and recording it with a camera. It’s better than meditation! Gastroenterologist be with me now and in the time of my procedure.  So help me Galen.