-13 64% 19% omph WSW bar30.43 steady windchill-13 Winter
Waxing Gibbous Winter Moon
Annie came over and we moved the old TV out near her car. But, it was -10 and I couldn’t lift the damn thing into her car. A real Minnesota moment. The air blistering cold and I’m trying lift this way too heavy TV in the back seat of a Chrysler generic car. I’m a little guy and even when I work out I have real limits. This was one. So. I backed the truck out of the garage, put down the lift gate and horsed the TV onto the gate. Lifted it up with the miracle of hydraulics and Kate will take it out to Annie on Monday. Course, I have to secure it in their before she takes off with it.
I’ve got enough on the religion and art historical perspective to write tomorrow. My packet for the docent book club will contain a book recommendation, James Elkin’s The Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art and an essay by Camille Paglia entitled, “Religion and Art in America.” I’m going to summarize the beginning of Elkins because he lays out 5 different positions toward the religion and art question, each one helpful in its own way. The bottom line appears to be the corrosive affects of modernism, seen first in what is now often called the early modern period which includes the Renaissance. I’ll finish with this tomorrow and start work on Transcendentalism next.
This is great way below zero work.