Giants Walk the Land Tonight

21  87%  26%  0mph EEN  bar30.00 steady windchill21  Imbolc

                Waning Crescent of the Winter Moon

OK.  Here’s why I like football.  To the best of my knowledge it has no script.  That means from time to time unexpected and amazing things happen right before my eyes.  Like this Superbowl game.  Close down to the last minute, literally.  The undergods, as I called them earlier, came through.  The overgods, the Patriots, lost in a classic tragic performance, perfect, yet, in the end flawed enough to lose.  The moment when momentum changes races my heart.  Sudden turn arounds can sink my feelings.  Vicarious, yes.  But a hell of a lot of fun.

There is, too, the athletic performances.  Even in a loss Randy Moss looks like a ballet dancer.  Eli Manning stayed cool.  The Giants defense kept it up all game long, pressure pressure pressure on Brady.  Then, the intellectual game with co-ordinators for defense and offense, coaches managing the game.  This defense against that offense.  The game works on many different levels.

Yes, it is brutal.  Even violent.  Yes, it produces maimed and sometimes demented athletes at the end of their careers.  These are not things to celebrate.  Yet, they are products of conscious choices by adults.  I hope the affect of the high impact, sudden stop violence of the game will diminish through better equipment, different rules.  I know the disabled players, like disabled persons in every area of life, deserve a decent life. 

But for tonight, for this game, it was a super bowl game, one for the history books.