The Bristlecone Psalm

Ostara and the Ovid Moon of the Metamorphoses

Monday gratefuls: More Snow. And, yet more. Kate’s temp and blood pressure in normal ranges. Vaccines. Covid. 46 at work. Colorado, its interesting divisions. No pussy grabbing in the news. No need to check on the idiot. Oh, hallelujah.

Sparks of Joy: Flocked Lodgepoles. Resilience.



The Bristlecone Psalm

When Creeks run full down the Mountain,

And Thunder booms deep in Valley,

                              I cry by the Bristlecone Pine.

Lenticular Clouds crown the Mountain,

Waters course toward the Sea,

                               As I mend by the Bristlecone Pine

Sweet grass and Boulders, Mule Deer and Moose,

                Pines, Aspens, and Willows and Spruce

                               Find me sad by the Bristlecone Pine

That Water my tears, the Thunder my grief,

With hard Rocks and wild Flowers tucked underneath,

                               Make me holy by the Bristlecone Pine

The sounds of the clear water running,

The sense of the mending it brings,

                               I dance by the Bristlecone Pine

This was my final piece for the Psalms class. Yes, it still needs some work, but I thought I’d put it out there as an example of a realization I had after a conversation with Kate.

A tree island at the krummholz level

I’ve been struggling with keeping up exercise and tending to Kate’s needs. Partly my fault because I’m pretty habituated to a MWF morning routine and if something breaks up those mornings, I’m not motivated to replace them.


I asked Kate about it in the context of whether I should take:  The Alphabet, The Psalms, and You: Sound and Symbol, Word and Melody, Awareness and Attunement. This Rabbi Jamie class is taught at 9:30 am Friday, as was the Psalms class. Direct conflict with my workouts, you see.

Kate suggested I do what would make me feel best. Well, doing both. But, given my routine… Anyhow, here’s the realization. I need to do something for my mind/soul as much as I do for my body. All connected, all important.

Mt. Goliath, a large stand of bristlecone

These days I’ve been telling myself, stay flexible, change as needs change. Wu wei. Go with the course of the qi as it passes in and through and around you. This is important at all times, but none more so than when life keeps throwing things at you’ve never seen before.

So. Compromise. Ensure workouts on Monday and Wednesday. Take the class on Fridays. Perhaps a workout or a hike on Saturday or right after the class. No pressure on that one.
