• Category Archives Humor
  • Spotlight Turned Off

    Summer                                                    Waning Grandchildren Moon

    Thank god, I’m done with the spotlight.  Please never again.  Interrupting people on their journey through the museum, a private journey done under their guidance, is intrusive, invasive.

    I had two folks on the Anishinabe to Zapotec Tour, Carl and Carol.  When I said, I’ll bet you’ve got jokes on that over the years, Carl said, nope. We haven’t been together that long.  We wandered in the galleries looking at the kachina, the house screen, the Bella Coola frontlet, the transformation mask, the Nayarit house and the Valdivian owl.  I told them the story of turtle, loon, beaver and muskrat, the pointed out the turtle sign on the Lakota fancy dress.  It was a good tour, engaged and interested.

    Spoke with Margaret afterward.  She got me up to date on Sierra Club work and sent me a quick note with a timeline for the legcom process.  I’m also to call CURA and Macalester seeking interns.

    Finally got over to Big Brain comics and picked three issues of the Good Minnesotan, a comic done by an MIA guard and her husband. The guy behind the counter shaved his beard and looks like a slightly pudgy groucho marx.  A lot like a slightly pudgy groucho marx.

  • Sandwich a Bio-Hazard?

    Imbolc                                        Waning Wild Moon

    Those in the health care world, at least the care provider part of it, use medical in a way most of us lay folk don’t.  They ask people they meet, especially spouses like me, if they’re “medical.”  Kate payed me a compliment in this vernacular a few months back by saying, “He probably doesn’t realize how medical you are.”

    What does it mean?  In part it means a familiarity with the everyday life of medicine, that is, a life dealing with blood, sputum, questions about constipation or overactive bladders, stitching up wounds or struggling with life or death in a code blue type situation.  I sense, too, that it refers to an acceptance of the brute facts of life.  Illness and trauma happen and they happen to all sorts of people at all sorts of times in their lives.

    At some point the news can be bad, “He didn’t make it.” or “You have lung cancer.” kind of bad.  They also know, better than most of us, that death comes in many forms and that it comes to us all.  There is a contradiction here; however, since contemporary medicine sees death as the enemy and procedural medicine as their chief weapons in this apocalyptic struggle.  I use the word apocalyptic here in reference to the universe that dies with each person.

    Medical also means going into the refrigerator for something to eat, taking what looks like a sandwich in a ziploc bag and discovering the container says:  Specimen Transport Bag and has the red and black bio-hazard emblem with BIOHAZARD written in bold black letters against the red field.

    Being medical does put you in a world different from the day to day, where we consider normality health, enjoy a certain consistency to our routine and find trauma or illness an upsetting deviation.  It’s been a privilege, this past 20 years, to learn about it from the inside.

  • Ole and Sven Go To Hell

    Winter                   Waning Moon of Long Nights

    Scurrilous, obviously the  product of  a Northern Wisconsinite too long in the ice-house shanty with the heater turned on and the flame off:

    Ole and Sven die in a snowmobiling accident, drunker than
    skunks, and go to Hell.

    The Devil observes that they are really enjoying themselves.

    He says to them “Doesn’t the heat and smoke bother you?”

    Ole replies, “Vell, ya know, ve’re from nordern Minnesooota,

    da land of snow an ice, an ve’re yust happy fer a chance

    ta varm up a little bit, ya know.”

    The devil decides that these two aren’t miserable enough and turns
    up the heat even more.

    When he returns to the room of the two guys from Minnesota,

    the devil finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling Walleye and drinking beer.

    The devil is astonished and exclaims, “Everyone down here
    is in abject misery, and you two seem to be enjoying yourselves?”

    Sven replies, “Vell, ya know, ve don’t git too much varm veather

    up dere at da Falls, so ve’ve yust got ta haff a fish fry vhen da

    veather’s dis nice.”

    The devil is absolutely furious. He can hardly see straight.

    Finally he comes up with the answer.

    The two guys love the heat because they have been cold all
    their lives. The devil decides to turn all the heat off in Hell.

    The next morning, the temperature is 60 below zero, icicles

    are hanging everywhere, and people are shivering so bad that

    they are unable to wail, moan or gnash their teeth.

    The devil smiles and heads for the room with Ole and Sven.

    He gets there and finds them back in their parkas, bomber

    hats, and mittens. They are jumping up and down, cheering,

    yelling and screaming like mad men.

    The devil is dumbfounded, “I don’t understand, when
    I turn up the heat you’re happy. Now its freezing cold and
    you’re still happy. What is wrong with you two?”

    They both look at the devil in surprise and say,
    “Vell, don’t ya know, if hell is froze over, dat must
    mean da Vikings von da Super Bowl”

  • Timeless Masterpiece Liked

    Samhain                               Waning Dark Moon

    “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    It never occurred to me just how much Emerson and Brad Childress have in common.  The Vikings are always getting ready for this Sunday, not thinking about last Sunday or the Sunday after this one.  This is the only game that counts right now.  This one.  Quarterbacks especially, but all others, too, must have short memories so bad plays won’t affect their next play.  Which is the only play that counts.  Of course, encephalopathy from hitting large, fast moving objects also helps.

    Perhaps Eckhart Tolle has an NFL consulting career ahead of him and a new book:  This Game is the Only Game-Play Here Now.

    Scientists Dissect Coworker To Find Out More About Scientists Fri, Nov 06 2009 This important segment and the following article:   Timeless Masterpiece Liked are on the Onion website.