• Tag Archives chili
  • A Simple Plan

    Winter                                                    Waning Moon of the Cold Month

    Chili smells have begun to fall down the stairs and enter my study.  Smells pretty good, especially after  a workout on the treadmill. I’ve up the difficulty by two incline levels over the last week or so and it feels good.  Need to find a personal trainer who can get both Kate and me jump started on a new resistance program.

    Also, in dietary news.  I have the found the secret to a healthy weight:  eat less food.  No kidding.  I know.  Obvious, right?  Here’s what I’ve done:  first, I imagined the portion I would cr400_late-summer-2010_0200eat for a meal and cut it in half.  Surprisingly, not a hard thing to do.  Still satisfying.  second, I decided that I had to have a vegetable serving and a fruit serving at every meal.  Again, obvious.  You’re probably already doing it, but I’ve slouched along on the fruit/veggie thing.  Now, each meal.   third, I stopped eating while watching TV.  This is an important change for me because it led to a lot of mindless eating.  Now if I want a snack while watching TV I have to turn off the TV, go make something and eat it in the kitchen at the table.

    Oddly enough, this relatively simple minded plan has worked.  I’ve dropped ten pounds + since beginning it.  The good news is that there’s nothing I’ll ever need to stop and it allows me to eat what I want, just less of it.  And, actually, this is something, too, it makes it possible to have two really good meals out of what would have been one and done.  I love that.

  • El Camino Real

    Beltane                                                 Waning Flower Moon

    Groceries this morning.  I had to get some items for a 13 bean chili recipe I had underway.  It was a lot of beans and it made a lot of chili.  A lot.  I finished that up after I got home.

    A nap, then I had to attend to a mission royale.   This involved a forty-mile journey out to Stillwater to pick up her highness, a marked Minnesota Hygienic queen.  Turns out queens travel with a retinue, a few workers to keep her company while in her wooden cage.  As her court and the queen rode beside me on the way back to the Andover, the buzzing grew louder.  My guess is that they don’t like being in motion.

    They go in the division tomorrow, the part of the division with no larvae.  Until then, the queen has to be kept warm and away from the sunlight.  Kate opened the lid of the grand piano and her majesty now rests on the sounding board of a Steinway.  The melody, however, comes from her court musicians.

    A long workout with the speed cranked up, well, not real far, but enough to make me tired and resistance and flexibility work, too.  Later tonight we’ll skype with the grandkids, see what that Ruthie is up to now.