• Tag Archives Saud’s
  • The Weekend Cometh

    Winter                                                           Waning Moon of the Cold Month

    Imbolc, in the belly, comes next week, February 1st.  It is the celebration of the quickening of the ewe’s and the freshening of their milk, providing a much needed respite from winter stores among the ancient Celts.  More significant to me it is also the celebration of the triple goddess, Bridgit, goddess of hearth, smithy and poetry.  Look for more information on the 1st day of February.

    Today is a doing, outside and out in the world errand day.  Weekends still inhabit the same free, but free to do domestic things that they have for all my life.  Strange that the rhythms have not changed for me, but they have not.  I did get groceries yesterday and today will do some makeup chores and other thises and thates.

    The unrest in the Middle East shows the threadbare nature of the Realist school of diplomacy.  In this approach, think Kissinger among others, the best you can hope for in enemy territory is a regime you can influence.  Realism gave us the Shah of Iran.  Saddam Hussein.  A stubbornly prickly Israel.  Mubarak in Egypt.  The Saud’s in Saudi Arabia.  It also prompted us to side the with the corrupt regime of southern Vietnam against the communist north.  This is a bankrupt policy stance and nothing shows it so as the fervor for democracy or at least different tyrants in the Middle East this week.  We end up on the side of the brutal, the crazy and the meglomaniacal.

    No tyrants for me today.  JIF peanut butter, ranch dressing and grapefruit.  Forgot’em last night night.  And fixing that damned printer.