Fall Waxing Dark Moon
The leaves have finally changed color in our yard. It happened almost over night. Many went dry before they turned, but more have become red, gold, yellow. The colors of fall are as much a part of our landscape as the snowdrops and daffodils are of spring. Fall’s color gives us one last Times Square moment from the vegetal world before the emphasis moves to the monochromatic grace and elegance of winter.
Sounds like Dr. Mary Ellis may visit over Thanksgiving. The Singapore government nixed an earlier visit due to the H1N1 virus. Mary’s had a lot going on over the last four years. Working and finishing a dissertation has never been easy; it consumed extra time and holidays. This would be the first Thanksgiving I can recall in a long time that she would be here. It’s always good to have family around during holiseason.
Kate comes home today. Her primary exercise for the next bit of time will be walking. Yes, she’s up and about. No 100 yard dashes in the near term, but moving is good, real good. She cannot twist, so no Chubby Checker’s music on the CD player. She also has to bend at the waist, no flexing of the back. She will need percocet for a few weeks.
Fortunately hand work is how Kate spends time while listening to lectures at continuing medical education so she has projects to keep her busy.
As soon as she’s able (maybe right now), she can also start using the treadmill. 5 minutes at first, then more as she heals.