The Divorce: An Update

Spring                                                                                        Anniversary Moon

Not as much snow as we’d hoped, but enough to drive away the red flag warnings for a while. More coming, hopefully we’ll have a wetter April, a setup for a less dangerous summer. This was the wet, heavy sort of snow, lots of moisture so the inches may not have been there but the water content was. That’s what we needed.

The rising sun is just now illuminating the peak of Black Mountain, a beautiful sight, one I get to see often.

Jon at Dazzle
Jon at Dazzle

The divorce and its aftermath, I’ve not written a lot about it recently. Things have settled into something of a routine. The kids come up here for the weekend 3 times a month. Jon commutes into Aurora to Montview Elementary where he works and gets home later in the evening. He sees Ruth and Gabe on Wednesday evenings for a meal, has classes on Thursday night, mandated by his dv conviction. What this means from his perspective is that he spends a lot of time on the road, works 5 days a week, then has intense parenting 3 consecutive weeks out of 4. That’s a lot.

With the sale of the house and the distribution of funds from the sale Jon will reapply for a mortgage. He had a guaranteed mortgage until he had to start paying lawyers. The proceeds from the sale have brought solvency, so he can apply again soon. He wants to find a new home in Aurora, somewhere within biking distance of Montview. Once he has a house and gets his stuff out of storage and out of our garage his life will become calmer. The custody settlement becomes 50/50 then. A more normal rhythm will ensue.

Gabe, Jon and me at Ruth's Destination Imagination performance
Gabe, Jon and me at Ruth’s Destination Imagination performance

Unfortunately the Aurora school district has experienced declining enrollment and anticipates a fall-off in property tax revenue. The school district last month decided on a reduction in the number of teachers overall. Jon’s been with them for 17 years which helps though seniority does not assure him of his job. He also learned recently that they will cut specials, that is folks who teach art, music, physical education, too. To confound the matter Jen works for the  same school district. If either one of them lose their jobs, the financial structure of the divorce will careen into a wall. Hopefully clarity about this will come soon.

Meanwhile we do what we can, try to sort out our medical issues and attend Beth Evergreen. It’s a full life and that’s good at 70.